dinsdag 2 februari 2010

Kuala Lumpur

Dear all!

Looking to my left, out of the window I see a chaotic group of buildings, old and new, high and tall. If I would stand in front of the window instead of comfortably sitting on my bed I would even see the Petronas J I am in Kuala Lumpur!

We had two good flights with the only stress in between being that Sterre’s passport turned out not to be valid because it was registered with the Dutch police as stolen (long story…) Anyway, after she was officially ‘detained’ for more than half an hour the British were kind enough to let us proceed our way to Kuala Lumpur because the registration was only a European thing so outside Europe there is no problem…

Yesterday evening, getting out of the plane the heat was something like surreal…It’s so weird, after all that snow, to be received by such a blessing warmth. The darkness seemed surreal too because for us it was 12.30 pm…We had booked a hotel at a walking distance from the airport and were very happy about that when we arrived, totally broken after more than 13 hours of flight…however tired we were, jetlag did barely let us sleep until something like four in the morning. A Chinese father was kind enough to shout so loudly at his kids this morning that we woke up in time to check out before it was too late…

We chose our money over our time and so took the cheap ass bus that took one hour from the airport to the main train station. One metro station further we met with Kwok and Elise. Together we have been trying to keep up walking under the heat and welcoming the pauses at Starbucks or some local ‘food court’ with air-conditioning.

It is still a weird idea that I am in Asia…I mean, you can see it all around you but it still feels like a dream J

Kuala Lumpur is an interesting city. People of a whole bunch of different nationalities and faiths mingle in the streets, it is really interesting to just sit a watch people passing by. Architectonically it is also amazing! Sky scrapers, old colonial villa’s, houses, apartment buildings and shacks everything mixed…there is really a lot to see J

Tomorrow afternoon we will take the bus to Singapore where we will spend the next days with Kwok!

For now this was the update because internet is not really very brilliant here…

Warm Asian greetings from Kuala Lumpur!


3 opmerkingen:

  1. hey zus
    wat fijn om te lezen dat jullie goed zijn angekomen in een warm, crazy azië.
    heb het goed in singapore. xxx liefs lotte

  2. Fijn dat jullie goed zijn aangekomen! Hoop dat jullie deze nacht wel slapen en niet uit pure wanhoop om 1 uur 's nachts maar gaan internetten, haha!

    Tot over 5 maanden :-)!

  3. Hoi Sara,
    Hehe, eindelijk tijd om je blog te lezen zonder dat ik het gevoel heb dat ik ernstig van m'n werk spijbel...:) Ik had een groot deel van het verhaal al van Ilse gehoord:) maar fijn om het 'direct' van jou te horen. Ik ben benieuwd hoe het in singapore was, maar reizen en genieten is nu even belangrijker dan schrijven!:) Geniet ervan het klinkt geweldig.
    Ik dacht trouwens net nog aan je, ik ga zo alleen (snif) naar het SIB-congres en dacht nog dat ik graag met jou was gegaan:) Maar jij doet veel leukere dingen;)!!!
