woensdag 2 juni 2010

Last weeks Melbourne - a combi of everything!

And than suddenly there's only a few days left, you are selling your dear guitar, thinking what to send home, what to take, what to leave, making exams, finishing papers, being ill, organizing cars, hostels, a wwoof farm, vaccinations; saying goodbye to friends and attending a whole range of interesting activities linked to Reconciliation Week...crazy!
The past weeks have indeed been quite crazy, but apart from me having quite a bad flu/cold and feeling a little stressed about organizing the coming months, I did really nice stuff!
For example, I went with Sterre and Julie to Wilson's Promontory, a national park, 2,5 hours drive from Melbourne. Incredibly beautiful! The weather was really nice, and we did a few nice short hikes, climbed a hill top, went to squeaky beach (were the white sand (quartz) makes a squeaking noise under you feet) and saw a whole bunch of kangaroos! It was really good to be away from the city and from all the uni work for a day!
And then, last week was Reconciliation Week and on friday Sterre and I went to a hip-hop thing, with three bands, all young people rapping about reconciliation, racism, and the sort! One of the bands was really good, with the guys doing incredible beat-box, dance, freestyle, etc, it was quite amazing! And monday we went to a poetry evening, with poets, singers, theater writers and our poetry-slam-performing tutor (from the indigenous course at uni). I heard beautiful things there, very powerful language, almost a bit confronting at times, but I guess that's the point of it all...I love Melbourne precisely for that, for the fact that if you feel like doing something, the only thing you have to do is look around, there's always something going on!
And well, friday my laptop goes on a journey home, three months before I follow him. It's going to be weird...we have never been apart for such a long time since we met! Hopefully our relationship will survive the separation :) But I'm going to mis him for sure...and that means that it will also be harder for me to keep in touch with you! I will try to keep my blogs going, but email/skype/facebook are going to be on low activity levels...
Well, I guess this is where the real adventure begins!!!


P.S. Here are some pictures from Wilson's Promontory National Park

View from the hill top

Julie, Sterre and Sara enjoying the view

The hill top

This really looked like a fairy forest, because the bushes looked like trees and were around 1,5 meters high, I could practically see the fairies dancing around there :)

Squeaky Beach jump

Kangaroo family!


4 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, je bent alweer aan het einde van je studietijd. Ging eigenlijk bizar snel, hoewel je ook al weer heel lang weg bent...

    Hopelijk overleef je de 'break' met je laptop... geniet van je eerste weekjes welverdiende vakantie en tot 4 juli! :-) :-) :-)

    Liefs, Ilse

  2. Nou ik ga echt niet zo lang gescheiden zijn van mn laptop :) ik houm lekker bij me. Ik wou bijna zeggend at overleef ik niet maar dat is niet waar. En dan wordt Joanne boos haha. En ben bang dat er iets mee gebeurd op de terugweg zonder mij om erop te letten.

  3. Dat ging snel inderdaad. Spannend hoor en nu alle avonturen. Jemig wat ben ik jaloers. Geniet er maar van terwijl hier in Nederland gezwoegt wordt... haha.. nouja, hoort erbij denk ik dan maar!
    Het is je in ieder geval gegunt (owww.. ik wil ook:) al die mensen in Australiƫ, grumbl.. sorry ik lees alle australiƫ weblogs achter elkaar, dat is heel slecht voor mijn gemoedstoestand;)).
    Stef heeft trouwens een nieuwe fiets. Heeft Floris nog een fiets nodig van de zomer, zullen we hem als extra huisfiets gebruiken of zal ik hem toch maar bij David stallen? Laat maar horen. En nogmaals, geniet ervan:)
